Public Sector HR Essentials

When:  Aug 13, 2024 from 03:00 to 17:00 (ET)

This course is designed to explore core concepts that all Public Sector HR practitioners should know.  The Public Sector HR Essentials course will give you a strong foundation to make a difference in your agency/organization.  It will equip you to hire the right team, communicate effectively.  This course is essential for anyone transitioning into or starting their career in Public Sector HR.

Offered in a flexible online format to meet your demanding schedule, Public Sector HR Essentials contains eight modules, which are facilitated by one of our experienced instructors and experts in public sector HR. 

Required Textbook:  Human Resource Management, Fifteenth Edition, by Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson

Engage with your Classmates:

This course includes four Live Zoom Q&A Sessions (Attendance to two sessions is required).  The Q&A schedule will be sent to you separately via e-mail.

Please review IPMA-HR's newly revised cancellation policies below:

Cancellation Polices

PLEASE NOTE:  Upon successful completion of this class and the IPMA-CP Exam, you will be awarded the IPMA-CP Designation (1/10/2023).

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email advising you how to log into the course.  The course will open for review one day before the course start date.