There is little more daunting to an HR professional than navigating the world of state and federal compliance. It can be intimidating, to say the least, and the decisions your team/leadership makes affect not just you but the business as a whole. Employees are directly impacted by required training (their "favorite" work past-time). Your role is affected as you're likely in charge of rolling out reports, training courses, and more. Even finance and overall business ROI is affected as a result of required compliance initiatives.
Companies that aren't compliant with required regulations run the risk of fines, court cases, and high employee turnover. It's enough to put you in a state of mental gridlock. So, how do you go about deciding where to start?
First, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can do this. No really. If you're reading this you're taking the first big step in organizing your thoughts to make your team and, by proxy, your company a better place to work. Taking a quick moment to calm your mind and remind yourself that you are a competent professional is a necessary first step.
Next, you'll need to grab a pen and some paper (or your trusty computer) because you've got some list-making to do. Take a moment to compile a list of what compliance related tasks you're already doing. Perhaps you're already doing a few of the things listed below:
Still not sure where to start or need a little extra help rolling out compliance initiatives? ABetterHR is here to help! Give us a call, send us an email, or schedule a time to discuss your goals and how we can best help you get to your Better.