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Hello everyone, and thank you in advance for humoring me on a very mundane topic: I am looking to restate our Probational Policy (6-months - Police & Fire 12-months), and as this is an area I have not researched in about 20 years I wanted to see if anyone out there has a policy that they feel is exceptional (or otherwise unique) that they are willing to share. Ours is very general and provides that the employee is an at-will employee for the first 6-months, after which the new team member may become covered by a CBA if they are in a position covered by bargaining. Thank you for your input and have a great day!

Best Practice - STD/LTD

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We just added STD & LTD as a benefit for our Staff. We were told by our broker that even though the ER is paying the premiums, we will have Staff to pay the taxes on the premiums so if/when they utilize the benefit they won't have to pay taxes at that time. Does anyone else do this? Do you know how it's set-up in your Payroll? Thanks for your help!
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In the interest of retention and positive workplace culture, we are working to create schedules that are flexible, and are wondering what others do: 4 - 10 hour days, 4 - 9 hour days and 1/2 day . . .?

Juneteenth in Florida

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Good morning everyone. I am looking for help from our Florida groups. Since the State has yet to officially recognize Juneteenth as a paid holiday, I am trying to ascertain the rulings or directions the various Counties/Cities/Towns in Florida are taking. Thanks for your assistance!!

Cloud-Paperless Systems

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Our Accounting Department is looking for an electronic system to replace paper employee files. The system would need to allow us to upload, organize (by category and subcategory), store, update, export, and retrieve documents quickly and safely. It would have to have access/permission setting to categories and subcategories that are controlled by individual or group permissions. Does anyone have a similar product they are using to recommend?
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The election ballots for IPMA-HR President-Elect are being emailed to national members on Monday (August 2nd). Please vote as it is important for IPMA-HR members to participate in selecting the leadership of the association. As one of the candidates, I humbly seek your vote, but I also urge you to check out the information provided for both candidates at Meet the Candidates . You can also find more information about me, IPMA-HR and the election on my Facebook page " Mark VB for IPMA-HR Prez-Elect " or seek me out on Linked In . Feel free to contact me via this blog or via my home email at . I look forward to hearing from you. ...
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Hello everyone, Does your agency, special district, or company have a Catastrophic Sick Leave Bank Program? If so, I would appreciate any information or sharing of your program documents. Thank you! Graciela Morales Human Resources Specialist Office (760) 342-8287 CV Mosquito & Vector Control District

Parental Consent Form

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I need to create a parental consent from for background and drug testing of minors. If you have a sample you can share, I would appreciate it. Thanks!
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Does anyone have a good (or any) policy regarding the use of personal portable electronic devices (cell phones, iPad's, handheld game units, etc.) in a secure facility? This would be such as a secure residential treatment facility or corrections facility. I'm pretty sure jails are very restrictive, I'm looking for something more in line with a residential treatment facility. Thanks in Advance!
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Good morning, We are looking at creating a policy to require payback of all or a portion of certain training (such as Police Academy, EMT, etc) if an employee leaves withing one to three years of completion. Would anyone be willing to share a similar policy? Shelly

City Operated Gyms

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Do any of your municipalities operate a gym or fitness? If so, when are you reopening and what measures besides the ones put out by the state of Ohio are/have you implemented?
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As an added bonus to the Investigations 101 post, I have a few frequently asked internal investigation questions listed below: How long do I legally have to conduct internal investigations? Although there isn’t technically a legally mandated time frame, it is recommended that investigations are conducted as quickly as possible. If you end up needing to defend your timeline, you will be asked about your timeline and why it took you as long as it did. If you can’t provide satisfactory answers you may find yourself in hot water legally. Ideally, they should be wrapped up within 48 hours to 1 week of the complaint. In some cases, this may not ...
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Are there any employment laws related to restricted use of college transcripts through the interview and selection process?

Lactation Policy

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​Looking for a lactation policy if anyone wants to share. Email would be great at Thank you, Chris Little, Butte College
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You’re in the middle of answering emails and getting some of those critical projects moved off of your desk when an employee asks if you have time to chat. You groan internally but tell them to come in and take a seat. Smile plastered on your face, you ask them, “What would you like to chat about?” They hesitate and look a bit nervous, then ask if it’s ok if they close your office door. You can practically feel what’s coming next when the employee tells you that their manager has been denying some employees access to the bathroom during work hours. They’re pretty sure it’s because the manager doesn’t think they’ve been “working hard enough” to deserve ...
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There is little more daunting to an HR professional than navigating the world of state and federal compliance. It can be intimidating, to say the least, and the decisions your team/leadership makes affect not just you but the business as a whole. Employees are directly impacted by required training (their "favorite" work past-time). Your role is affected as you're likely in charge of rolling out reports, training courses, and more. Even finance and overall business ROI is affected as a result of required compliance initiatives. Companies that aren't compliant with required regulations run the risk of fines, court cases, and high employee turnover. It's ...
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Good morning, Can anyone share a job description of a social media sourcing and talent outreach analyst? We are seeking to develop a position focusing on social media sourcing and outreach; career fair and talent connection; agency branding and visibility; talent and recruitment marketing. The job will utilize platforms and websites such as Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Indeed, Handshake, Instagram, YouTube, etc. Thank you Pamela Hinton HR Operations and Shared Services Manager​

Search Firms

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​Colleagues: The City of Toledo, Ohio, is looking for a search firm to assist us with hiring a Housing Commissioner. If you know of any search firms that specialize in hiring economic development related positions in government and/or the non-profit sector, please forward their contact information. Thank you. Tyrome Alexander, SPHR-SCP, PHR Director of Human Resources City of Toledo 1 Government Center, Suite 1920 Toledo, OH 43604
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Getting ready to conduct interviews, therefore currently working on developing interview questions. Looking for viable questions to support the selection of best candidate. Any suggestions?


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​ Good morning. Would you please respond if your agency has the following? Thank you! KRONOS is your time keeping system. CGI/AMS is your payroll system. You have employees (e.g. Fire) on a 21-day pay cycle. ​