In our public sector community, we provide offer letters or welcoming letters to potential employees cautiously so that do not appear as or are viewed as an employment contract. Within my agency there are many discussions around: 1. the proper title for such letters; 2. whether to move away from snail mail letters to electronic mail only; and 3. content or required verbiage that should be included in the communication. Currently, we use the term offer letter. This letter goes to the candidate via mail and/or email only after they have verbally accepted the offer. This letter acknowledges their acceptance and provides guidance and direction on when new employee orientation will be conducted and where; who their supervisor will be; and required forms and documentation for the 1st day. No signature is required for the letter nor is the letter required to be returned.
I would like to hear you about your practice around the naming of the document and if they are electronic or mailed. Additionally, if you have a template of your offer or welcoming letter that you can share, that would be great. We are looking to revamp our letters to potential employees as well as revamping our new employee orientation to on-boarding.
Pamela Hinton
VA Department of Transportation